Monday, November 5, 2012

Huntin' Camp


This weekend the men spent time in the woods of Posen MI getting set up for hunting season. Hank and Jerry are hard at work on updating the camp. They got some free windows and had those installed. Now owrk continues on the ceiling. Don't ask me for details, I never go there. I just send up supplies-this trips request was bedding. So check in with Jerry for information and an invitation!
This weekend Danny enjoyed setting up the blind and food pile with Dad. He also got a gun lesson from Uncle Art and shot pumpkins with his 22. It turns out young Danny is quite a shot and enjoys it tremendously. Both guys visited with Aunt Reg and the Zarotskis, who gave them farm fresh eggs to bring home! Click the play button on the black screen below for some shootin action!
the deer blind


Aunt Reg and Gringo

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