Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Inspiring Greatness Gala

11/9/12  Friday Night, Motor City Casino Hotel, The Soundboard Room

We were thrilled to be invited to the Inspiring Greatness Gala, a large fundraiser for Special Olympics of Southeast Michigan. Two weeks ago I was asked to be the keynote speaker at the second annual event. This black tie optional event was held at the Motor City Casino in downtown Detroit. We had never been there and it is quite an operation. There is a huge parking structure and it was very full. Masses of people were in the casino and it is definitely the busiest place in town. The soundboard venue was really large, a big stage, huge screen and tables all around in a horseshoe shape.  I must say it was a bit intimidating to see the set up, I know a lot was expected of Molly and I.
Wowee! This is how the other half lives I guess! Thanks to borrowed finery (thanks Shawne and Karen) the girls and I looked very well dressed for this big party! Jerry wore a suit, no worries for guys on their wardrobe.  We schmoozed with the SO staff that we knew and browsed through the Detroit sports team memorabilia heavy silent auction. Our table was o nthe small balcony, with a great view of the stage, Kim Purdy, the communications and PR director for SOMI and Karen Drew, channel 4 new personality were seated with us. Molly and I went on at about 8:30, after the dinner of filet mignon and salmon, salad, veggies, hot rolls and chocolate lave cake was served. I couldn't eat a bite. You've heard of someone being a  point man? Well Jerry was our power point man! Not only did he put the presentation together for us, and rehearse it until it was just perfect, but he ran the slides this evening so that everything would go perfectly. And Charlotte took lots of pictures of us, Thanks Charlotte! The party had an official photographer and I hope to access some of those shots and post them on my blog soon.
When it was time for our speech, Molly and I headed to the stage. The lights were very bright and I couldn't see the audience, it was more like being in a play then my usual speech venues. Molly did an excellent job, and all her laugh lines got big laughs! I did okay I guess! Hard to judge yourself, you know? When the presentations were all over at 9pm, Molly started working the room. She shot away from our table and began chatting up the important business people, she is too funny. She and Charlotte both met Frank Kelly, former MI attorney general and longest serving AG in the country, and George Perless, former MI state football coach and Pittsburgh Stealers Superbowl winning coach! These guys are long time SO supporters who were there to receive an award and they both got choked up when talking about the program--awesome! Loads of kind folks came up to me and said they were moved by my speech, that was really cool because our goal was to touch hearts and so touch wallets! I hope that happens.
And the other cool thing was that Jer was the successful bidder on the tickets to see Motown's own The Four Tops--he is really excited about that!
Charlotte checks out the program

All the SO athletes at the gala. The tiny girl up front was the global messanger speaker, the others gave out the awards

Athletes honored on stage, Charlotte was so proud to go up there!

George Perless

Our friend Jack from 5th/3rd bank and his wife

Some gals who came to congratulate me, I was very touched.

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