Friday, November 2, 2012

Trick or Treat!

Dorothy and her Munchkins!

The Gang
Back Row:
Charlotte(girl from Hogwarts),Molly(Dorothy!),Gary(freddy krueger),Hannah(vampire tigger!) ,Julia(50's girl) Alex(girl from Hogwarts)
Front Row:
Leah(candycorn princess), Danny(creepy guy in a trench coat), Sophie(Girl from hogwarts)

As usual we headed to Fairway Trails- we miss it all the time, but never more than on Halloween. Jerry enjoyed trooping around with the kids, he saw alot of friends and neighbors and visited all along the way. Molly got enough candy and headed home to Shawne's house with the younger kids while Gary and Charlotte kept going...and going...Every time Jer asked them if they were ready to head home Gary would say"I go a little more!" They got a ton of candy!

My treat was to paint the craft room downstairs. The kids really haven't used it in the past year, and I have decided to re purpose it as a true guest room.  The carpet was layed on Thursday and a new queen bed is being deliverd tomorrow. I am enjoying gathering bedding etc and will post pictures when I pull it together. Consider yourself invited for a sleepover!

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