Monday, November 19, 2012

Thursday 11/15 Hosting dinner for Jake's family

Well thankfully my dinner menu for last night was one that would keep! Cassandra had a one year checkup(90% height and weight!) and got 3 shots and was not feeling well. So the dinner was postponed from Wednesday til tonight. Chicken tortilla soup, Mexican bean dip, salad and cornbread.
Everyone said it was good but spicy, and I had forgotten Cammy does not like spicy foods. Oops, my bad! Cassie seemed happy to see us, and after 10 minutes was running and playing around the house like she had never left! Jake and Danny ended up doing a lot of wrestling/judo/self defense moves which they both enjoyed. Jake was seriously impressed by Danny's moves, which made D feel amazing! They left around 9:30.
Sadly Jerry was not home, he was in Cleveland and Posen, home on Friday. Hopefully we will see Jake on Sunday for more visiting.

family dinner

wrestling fun!

two brothers looking tough

the final move-Danny did get Jake on this one!

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