Friday, August 24, 2012

Kickin it at my grandparents house--Sweet!

Hi, Cassandra here, reporting from my Summer holiday at the grandparents house in Brighton.

So far so good I must tell you! I was a little nervous cause I've never been away from Mama, but I am doing fine. Mom filled them in on everything I need to make me happy and I even noticed my food schedule is up on the fridge for easy reference. I love having Aunt Molly and Ciocia at my beck and call, when i touch that blue star on my drum they sing and dance! And Uncle Danny let me practice with him on the piano which was really fun. I really can pound out some music let me tell you! Cookie found a little princess pool for me and Uncle Danny scrubbed it out for me and this afternoon i got in. Wow was it fun. I did alot of work with pouring and throwing and putting in and out. I might go into the environmental business like my Dziadzia! I am trying some new foods here, meatballs are my favourite so far, and those little seashell pastas are yummy. I have a new cup but I am not that psyched about it. Why should I lift my elbows if someone else will hold and lift it for me?! I need to save my energy for dancing! I was gettin down in my birthday suit when I noticed that Cookie was snapping with her camera again...she said that she will display them at my high school graduation party...whatever that means! Well that's all for now, who knows what they have planned for me tomorrow and this little princess needs her beauty sleep!
Kisses and hugs,

I love this pool, don't you?

Cookie on lifeguard duty

i dropped a spoon!

my free and easy dance session!

half Hincka, as you can see!

shakin my groove thing!

oooh, the meatballs are to die for!

me and Uncle Danny tickling the ivories!

ready for lessons !

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