Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blogging on the Baby!

Welcome to BabyWorld! 8/20/12
For the next week or so we get to practice being full time Grandparents! Cassandra, Jake’s little girl, has come to Brighton for her “Summer Holiday” and we couldn’t be happier. So starting tonight I will be blogging on our adventures..we will have cute pictures, mind-numbing details on every little thing she does (we are Grandparents after all, I checked my GP manual and that is a requirement!) and hopefully some funny stories.
Danny and I picked her up around 3pm today. We took the traverse because as you know, babies always travel with at least 150xtheir body weight in toys,clothes,food,diapers,strollers,carseats,and other accessories. A warm welcome was waiting for Cassie in Brighton, Molly, Charlotte and Buddy the dog were eager to hold her , tickle her and sit on her blanket(guess who did what!) She played for hours and crawled all over the kitchen and family room. She is very strong and pulls up on everything. Once up she lets go and dances and does squats. She looks like she is training for the baby Olympics. Cammy had hopes that she might wait to take her first steps until Jake gets home from Afghanistan, but from the looks of it she is not planning on waiting. “Sorry Dad!” She ate like a champ and tasted meatballs and pasta along with her standard baby food menu. Danny hopped into his swimsuit and joined Cassie in the big bathtub and then she played for another few hours. WOW! She has a lot of energy. She is very good at cause and affect, and the new thing she learned tonight is that when she plays her musical drum, five people jump around like nuts, clapping and shaking their groove things--now that is a Positive Result! She had her little bedtime bottle and after a few minutes of cuddling and singing she went right to sleep. Sweet Dreams everyone!

playing with chucha cha

my new play table

Uncle Danny lifeguards during the first bath

clean and cozy

surrounded by admirers

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