Thursday, August 30, 2012

Danny signs up for sixth grade

Danny has chosen to head back to conventional school this year, and he registered at Maltby Intermediate today. This is the same school Jake and Molly attended for 6-8, but it is now a 5-6 building. The kids move over to Charlotte's old middle school for 7-8. Danny is excited to be taking band and he hopes to play the tuba! We met Laura and Hannah, and Shawne and Sophie at the school and the girls took Danny under their wing and showed him how to find his classes, the cafeteria and all the other important spots. I know that this really made him feel comfortable. I saw several other Saint Pats families at the school and so Danny will recognize at least 10 faces. Funny thing-Here's me introducing Danny to Mr. Brenner, "Hi Mr. Brenner, I'd like you to meet my son Jake(of course I don't hear this!) and Danny stretches out his hand to shake it and says Actually my name is Danny! (this part I hear!). Oh man, I was embarrassed! I hope it is because Jake went to school there NOT because I am losing my mind! Cassandra confused alot of people that know us and wondered how we ended up with another baby. I didn't correct a few people who told me I had a cute daughter! Shawne, Laura and girls joined us at the house for lunch and a jump session on the trampoline. Danny finished up the day getting his dupa kicked in his first day back at tae kwan do class.
Sophie,Hannah and Danny bounce there way into 6th grade!

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