Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Baby's Day Out!

Downtown Brighton
We took Cassie downtown today! Uncle Danny pushed the stroller and we enjoyed the three mile walk to the millpond. Cassie fell asleep in the breezy sunshine. Danny had an eye doctor apmnt and Cas charmed Dr. Randy, a NY transplant Yankee fan, with her beautiful blue eyes! After a couple of stops in some local shops we took the tridge and headed to the imagination station. The girls pointed out all the ducks to the baby and she seemed to look around alot. We had a blast watching her on the swing, she laughed and squeaked. The playground was loaded with day care kids and was super hot but we had fun. As we headed to the bread store for our samples and crazy jogger came barreling toward us...oh, it is DjaDja! He ran down and then walked home with us, what a nice surprise! While the big kids went for the almond vanilla pound cake sample Cass tried 5 grain, a nice end piece that she chomped on with her cute little teeth! Danny and Jerry went up to the lake for a quick site visit and a round of golf in Farwell. So the girls and I had lots more playing with toys in the afternoon, and a late afternoon shopping trip. What an easygoing baby! She goes from car seat to shopping cart to highchair with a smile on her face. We are loving it!

at the millpond

I like to swing!

higher Uncle Danny!

My Aunts are laughing with me

Uncle Danny makes me laugh!

"I don't know what this is, but if Uncle Danny is doing it with me, it's cool!"

I like this steering wheel!

chilling in the sunshine with Aunt Molly and Buddy the dog

trying out my new cup

"do you think Aunt Molly will give me a bite of her Chicken sandwich?!

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