Friday, August 24, 2012

Fun Friday at the Farm Center

The baby is still at our house, as you can tell from the blog border, so I am still bragging about her! Today's outing was to Kensington Metro Park, to both the farm center and the nature center. Cassandra snoozed on the way over, so she was ready to greet the animals. She was not afraid at all, and enjoyed petting pigs and a huge cow. She also loved looking at the other families who were visiting, smiling and flirting with parents and kids. Danny and Molly proudly pushed the stroller and Charlotte brought her camera to take photos. I will add her shots when she sends them to me! We then stopped at the nature center to look at the bee hive,carp tank and various stuffed and living critters. This was a short stop because it was heading toward lunchtime, and babies don't understand "lets wait an hour to eat, okay?",though to be honest neither does Jerry! I skipped the highway and took Grand River home so that we could stop at Marvs. Cass enjoyed sampling the sourdough rye bread with her Aunts, and she knew Dziadzia would be super excited about the bologna spread! After lunch and a nice nap Cassandra decided to hit the pool again. She really loves pouring and putting things in and out, you can see her mind working, which is so neat. Toy time, bathtime, dinner time, the day just flies by, and the little sweetie was exhausted and fell asleep at 8pm. Then you look around and say, now pick up toys,throw in laundry, start dishwasher..and then suddenly it's 1am! Danny not only helped with the baby but he scraped and sanded my mailbox post and put together and mounted my new mailbox! Curb appeal Baby!
Uncle Danny, can I have your hat?

hmmm, trade for the pink princess hat? Okay!

Rocking my new aristocats t-shirt and like?

checking out the animals

Hi Piggy!

this tiny pink pig is more my speed

he likes having his ears scratched

Uncle Danny helps me pet him

he heads back to his Mommy

come back piggy

chickens are one month old


now that is some chore list those pioneers had!

this baby I met, her name is Evelyn, she is 2 days older than me, she can walk, but I have better hair!

a little brown donkey


is that little piggy i petted going to look like that some day?

how now brown cow?


This mommy cow weighs 1680 ponds more than me!

a farmer visited with Charlotte while he curried Greta, the swiss cow

Aunt Molly is my wheelgirl!

Charlotte found the sweet spot on this goat

he climbed right up and stuck his head out

we call her, "the goat whisperer"

cool turkeys

at the nature center, I checked out this mounted faun and Mom

Danny after the job is done

pool time with Aunt Molly

practicing my free stand

Good Night everybody!

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