Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Annual Ohio BBQ with Jerry's clients

Sunday August 19th
We drove 7 hours round trip to a client BBQ, but it was a great time! We brought Charlotte's pooch Buddy along and he did great at his first party. He made friends with the Allan's two dogs, and wandered off the leash for the whole afternoon with no problems! The food was great and  the company very enjoyable. Now that we have been going for 5 years, the kids and I really feel like we know the other wives and kids and that makes it more comfortable. The beautiful in ground pool kept Danny busy all day, he finally got out at 6pm when you could smell the hot dogs! The girls enjoyed playing with the Dever kids, they were  mothers helpers for them a few years ago. Mom Laurie even stopped by with her adorable 72 hour old baby boy, Ryan! I think Jer was happy with the family showing, we live to serve,especially when it involves a pool!
Charlotte and Jerry visit the buffet

Buddy the dog at his first party

Charlotte,Brandon,Alaina,Lauren and Carson enjoy a fruit break

Lanie Dever

almost 72 hours old!  Ryan Dever at his first party!

Gary's neighbor took Danny and Charlotte crusin!

Bright eyes had fun in the pool, and visitng with all her Ashland Oil pals!

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