Saturday, February 25, 2012

Take Time for Friends!

AAhh! Friends! that is who makes life good. So in the midst of all the packing and kid shuffling I am blessed with friend time! I meet Sam at Starbucks for a latte on the couch. Big News--She is off to NYC in May. She will be getting a transitional teaching certificatein high school science and chemistry then getting a teaching job in a title one school in either the Bronx or Brooklyn. While teaching she will be getting her masters in education through the fellowship program she has a spot in. Wow! A new life is beginning for our Sam, and what a treat those kids are in store for with a teacher like her! Good Luck Sam!
Shawne was my second date--she had Charlotte over for the whole day, which was a gift to Charlotte. When she drove her home she asked if we could watch our bookclub movie, Sarah's Key. Now first response is "I have too much to get done", followed almost immediately by "lets do that!" The movie was good but the company was better. I will miss her!
Danny's costume is almost done, thanks to Roseanne! Cupid will fly tomorrow!
LOVE my friends and feel blessed to have them!

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