Saturday, February 4, 2012

Friday in Rotterdam--SNOW!

Well, we were in for a bit of a crazy day today. Our contact from Jerry's company completely stood us up, and the agents I had gotten in touch with were not available on such short notice. Oh well! We worked out and went swimming, and then set off to find coffee! Thing I can't wait to get home to most(other than my darling daughters of course)?? My coffee pot! I can hear it burbling now! Anyway, I digress. We head outside into15 degrees and a good stiff wind but a bright sunshine. As we are heading to the coffee shop we notice a housing agency and stop in. A great guy named Egbert welcomes us and searches for properties..aaah we think, here we go. He tells us he has two he can show us today, and he will meet us at the first one at 4pm. Hooray! Off we go to Hopper, where our waitress from yesterday waves and greets us as we stroll in. Jerry is impressed that we have already made a friend in a coffee place! Does it smell even better and feel even warmer than yesterday??? or is it just the extra chill in the air today.  Whatever the reason we happily order soups,sandwiches and hot drinks and park ourselves upstairs with a great view of the street. No sooner are we settled than the snow begins to fly! It sure is pretty to look at from inside!
we found a new favourite store!


I can't spell prociuto but it was tasty

my soup and hummus/tomato sandwich on just baked bread

farmers cheese pannini!

if you need to find me when you come to visit me in Rotterdam--this is where I'll be!

the view as the storm rolls in

street view from "my " table

We reluctantly head out into the storm and start to walk to our appointment. At first it's okay, and Danny and I enjoy pointing out the shops and places we visited on Wednesday, but the snow is coming down hard and we soon just put our heads down and walk. Then Jerry's phone rings and Egbert says that because of the snow the appointments are cancelled. Now you know that wouldn't fly in Michigan! We decide to walk to the house anyway and view it from the outside. It is a bit farther than we estimated but we make it. It is on an extremely busy street, and many of the houses are vacant and for sale. Many look rehabbed, but still, we decide it would not be a good neighborhood for us and we are glad we trudged over. Now the trudge takes an hour!! By the end I am walking like a chinese woman who had her feet bound at age 6..every step is painful. It is full dark and our faces are chapped and raw. Even good sport Danny is feeling the pain. Good Heavens!
We finally reach the hotel and immediately get under all the covers on the bed with all our clothes on to warm up(not Jerry, he wasn't that cold, Mr. Tough!)and thaw out. The next bit of bad news is that everything closes at 6 or seven in our immediate area, and if we plan to feed Danny, we better get out and do so! So back out we go, 2 blocks to an Italian deli where the boys get a tasty meal...I'm too cold to eat! Then home again and Danny is ready for swimming and Jerry for work-US time he has calls to be on. I end up at the pool fully dressed with my coat on, and finally my toes start making themselves known again. I spend more time on the ipad, this time communicating with another agent that says he has 2 places we can see tomorrow. Yay! We make plans, map things out, set our alarms, etc. Jerry comes up to the pool at 9:30 to say we can have the room and he will make his last call in the lobby. What a nice guy. Danny is settled in bed and I am reading when he returns, with a little cup of coffee and a cookie for me! The perfect ending to a challenging day!

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