Monday, February 6, 2012

SuperBowl Sunday! Go Giants!

I must be honest..I'm writing this entry on Monday and I know the results of the SuperBowl...Yay! The Giants won! Jerry and Mol watched the game downstairs and rooted for New England, Danny and Charlotte and I took the family room and supported the Giants. We usually have a party, but since we arrived home at noon I just couldn,t swing it.
Flight was uneventful, thankfully. I was worried because the Captain announced that the flight would be turbulent before we  even left the ground! But it wasn't!
We got home around the same time as the girls arrived from their BBall tourney and we were all happy to see each other. We took Grandy on a long walk.
We went to mass at 5pm and Danny subbed in for an absent altar server. Afterwards we scooted home to watch the big game. My favourite commercial was the End-of-the-world Chevy truck one...what was yours?

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