Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Polar Plunge!

Oh shame on me- I just looked back at the last entry and it was Saturday. The plunge went off without a hitch on Sunday. The weather was perfect, sunny skies and not to windy, temps around 40! I had enough food for all the plungers and so many baked goods that I opened it up too everyone. The Starbucks coffee was a big hit! So my part was good-phew!!  And the plunge itself was amazing-99 plungers and over 100 spectators cheering them on. Danny dove in with gusto and Molly plunged right in too. Molly was crowned 2012 Polar Plunge Queen! What an honour! She had a tiara and was so excited. The neat thing that Barb did was to present her with a big stuffed polar bear instead of the traditional roses. She loved it!
We cleaned up and then quickly changed into our party clothes and headed to the Downtown Main Martini Bar for the fashion show. Molly did a wonderful job, the crowd was supportive and friendly. We won 6 items in the silent auction too. 100% of the proceeds from the night go to Special O and the amount so far is over $30,000 total. WOW!
here are some pictures...
ugly naked guy sporting a Special Olympics tshirt!

Oh, My Lolli had special lolli's to benefit SO, yum!

of course we bought some

Shawne helps me pin on Danny's toga

he is ready to go!

my food team sets up the spread--

roving volunteers Alex and Charlotte were a huge help!

Our friend Gary, aka marsshmallow super man!

Danny starts his run in....

and here is is right after...what a face :)

and my boy won the Youngest Plunger award! Yay!

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