Friday, February 24, 2012

Snowmageddon? Not quite!

Well schools called it quits by 2am (i got up to pee, what can I say?) but when I got up at 7am you could still see the driveway. And no school?  More is coming, they said, hold on...but throughout the day we never saw more than 1 1/2 inches. We so didn't need a snowday, but it was fun!
At 7pm Danny and Ryan did stage a black-ops snow battle which was a blast!
We were able to go to the mall, the library, take Molly to her fittings for the fashion show, go to other words, NO PROBLEMS!
Those silly forecasters!
I got my new glasses, and I will post a snap and you can see what you think.
I also had a bra fitting at Hush, the intimate apparel boutique in downtown Brighton. Lisa, the owner, is so laid back, she made it easy, not weird, you know?
Molly is modeling a swimsuit and some black PJ's. I spent more on 3 bras than I probably have spent on all my underwear in my whole life! But they will last 4 years I was told. (is that all? who has had bras since college--come on, raise your hand! Anyway, I feel like a new gal, and hopefully look like one too!

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