Sunday, February 12, 2012

Down time = Blog time...finally!

Though the snow failed to fly, the 2012 Special Olympics Michigan Winter Games were  a big success!
Livingston County did great! Our Snow Shoe Team took home 16 medals and 2 ribbons, of those, 2 GOLDS belonged to Charlotte. She set out to nab them and she did! Unfortunately she and Molly were in the same heats, Mol had to settle for bronze and a 4th place ribbon. In her defense, with the lack of snow all distances were cut to 75m. So instead of running her 400, she had to do a sprint, and that is not her strong suit. The Grand Traverse Resort out us up in style, we stayed in the Golf Side Condo's, and we had all our meals in the banquet hall at the hotel. The vats of Starbucks coffee available at every meal was a highlight for me, though I think the kids would choose the cream puffs! We danced, did crafts, tryed Zuumba, got massages and paraffin hand dips, bought stuff, cheered athletes on, made friends, and danced some more. A typical,fabulous SO event.
These things really fill me up--watching the coaches interact with the athletes, parents react with joy as their child succeeds, hearing the clank of the medals on Charlotte's neck as she proudly walks around the hotel--these are such special things for me.
It gives new meaning to the Transformative power of Sport!
Kylie and Charlotte

a rowing demonstration starring Annie, Kel, Becca and Molly

snow shoe team!

Molly and Will

Gary and Molly in the craft area

Charlotte was chosen to escort a Wertz Warrior, this group donates a ton of money to SO

Charlotte with some of our military

Nick aka Chicken, and Danny aka Fox!

Molly and her pal Drew Henson, QB of the Detroit Lions

The Happy Hinckas

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