Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving prep!

How many times have you been to the grocery store in the past few days?! Each time I go I say, "this is it, I am NOT going to the store again before Thanksgiving". And then I find myself in the kitchen, having inexplicably grabbed jellied instead of whole berry cranberry sauce at Walmart, having to head out to Kroger. AAAHHHH! So, after Walmart, Aldi and Kroger in a 36 hour period I hearby pledge-- I am NOT going to the store again before Thanksgiving! Of course I might have to send Jerry!!
Danny was assigned desserts for our thanksgiving meal, and he made them both today after school and tuba lesson. Behold his Pecan Pie Bars and Cherry Cranberry lattice top pie! I told him Busia,Aunt Reg and Honey are all smiling down at him tonight! I made the mashed potatoes, and have the turkeys almost defrosted. In the morning my real cooking begins! Enjoy the prep for this wonderful family holiday!

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