Friday, November 21, 2014

Oh, A Hunting They Will Go!

Hunting fever has struck the Hincka House!
 Symptoms include but are not limited to;
Excessive studying of the Cabellas circular
Viewing Deer Cam footage on line
Making crockpots full of venison meatballs for camp food
Growing facial hair
Skipping school to get up to camp early and "get the blind ready"
Dirty boots and big smiles!

Last weekend and this, Jerry took the boys and headed up to Posen,MI. He and his brothers own a hunting camp together, complete with a house that they have been fixing up, lots of wood trails, apple and evergreen trees, a deer??! That is the million dollar question! Though big fun has been had, last weekend they didn't even get a shot! I guess there is a lot of the soybean crop the did not get brought in, so the deer are hanging out at fast food field instead of visitng the food piles like they should. 
Ah well, the spitzer games are being played, paying calls on the other hunting camps around town(the Hincka cousins have a game rom in their, complete with pool table! Doing shots, eating, and lots of sitting in the blind in the below zero temps.
Good Luck men, Molly,Charlotte and I will be down state, cozy and warm and waiting for news!

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