Friday, November 14, 2014

Sunday--Choosing among the churchs.

Belgium is 90% Catholic, so finding mass should be no problem, right? However, finding one in English may prove to be!cwhen Jerry was here last month he went to mass in French, and I also find it available in Spanish, Dutch and German. I want English though,I want to know right when to say my prayers! We end up at Saint Nicolas, which is a very old church right in the center of Brussels, only about 3 minutes walk from our hotel.
This church has been destroyed and rebuilt a number of times, so pieces of it date from different time periods. The church itself has houses and other buildings surrounding it to the point where if you don't come upon it from the front you will not know you have found it! The choir and most of the attendants were phillipino, the priest was French and one of the readers was British. Quite international. They did not use the main, gorgeous altar but rather a table set up just in from of the seats. That was disappointing. While it is wonderful to be at mass and receive communion this is not a church I will seek out when we move next month. Of course having Father Karl has spoiled me,
As you can see from my blue sky pictures the day was lovely. After mass we walked around the old section of town, then after lunch we took a long walk along a canal we discovered. I love when you come upon murals and sculptures unexpectantly, it is delightful!
Later in the evening Jerry found a sports bar that turned on American football at 7pm and he enjoyed a Belgian beer or two with the game. Of course my game is reading, so I enjoyed a lovely demi-baguette and pumpkin soup!


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