Friday, November 7, 2014

Chateau du Hincka

Une Chateau de Hincka! I'm sure Danny will have to correct my grammar but nevertheless, here is our Belgian House! It is very close to Danny's school, which was one of have main drivers. The decor was cutting edge in old it is almost back in style?! There are sinks in the bedrooms, some with saloon style doors on them,hilarious! Things that don't usually come with a house in Belgium, overhead lights( I know??!) and a washer and dryer are in this house. The refrigerator is a big American one, so that will be nice. Yard is not too big, which is good because we will be maintaining it, but there is a small patio. There is also a basement that will be good for a workout room. Jerry is excited about this.
The owner is also leaving some furniture in it, including some beds and a couch and a table, which will save us a lot of money. Furnished houses are not available here. I will add a few more photos, but I am super happy that we have a place!

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