Friday, November 14, 2014


Today Jerry had a meeting in Luxembourg, just outside June city center and I decided to take a ride with him. He dropped me off in Ettlebrook, where the Patton Museum is...unfortunately that museum is closed from September through May, and since it was Monday the shops were closed until 2 pm. Alrighty then! I took a brisk walk around the town, which is no doubt charming on a warm day when it is full of people. It was not charming on huh is chilly gray November morning! I put in a good hour of power walking before retreating to a coffee shop with free wifi! Jerry's meeting went very well and only took about 2 hours so before I knew it he was picking me up and we were headed back to Belgium. The scenery on the two hour drive was beautiful. Rolling hills, old farm houses, cows and miniature ponies for the first half, then back to the freeway for the second bit, which was perfect from a speed perspective. We even passed a little shopping center that had a branch of our favourite sports store. YEs, of course we stopped, my excuse was a bathroom break!  But it was fun to browse around for a couple of minutes. Back in Brussels we took another walk around the city to stretch our legs after the drive. And then it was packing time! Got everything in and set for our early Tuesday departure.

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