Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Start the day with coffee, end the day with coffee!

Day two of the Brussels trip, our first full day in Belgium. We slept in a bit and enjoyed the great shower in our hotel--great water pressure and a towel larger than 8x10, which is not often found in Europe! We walked along the Main Street in town until we found a cute cafe. It was down a corridor from the street, a mini indoor hallway of shops. We ordered the largest coffee we could get, and then had another round. We loved people watching. Jerry was most impressed by the Belgian couple and their single male friend, the men dressed in jaunty newsboy caps and scarves and the woman with a beautiful coat, ordering rose' at 10:30 am. They also had another round! We then headed to the Waterloo tourist office where we met a lovely young lady named Eizabeth. She gave us great information and then as I asked more questions about the area, the low down on discount shops and tasty restaurants. now we're talking! We told her we would be back to visit her with the kids in January. We contemplated the museums and battlefield excursions around the Battle of Waterloo but decided to wait for Danny. We just walked and explored our soon to be home town. We headed to the school to drop off Danny's admissions application and where greeted effusively by Caroline, Romy and Mary the receptionist. Met a mom called Jennifer who was volunteering in the Lions Den shop and so.d us the tshirt Danny will need for PE. She also told us how awesome huge school is and how happy her kids are. Everyone was thrilled we are coming there, and I must say that feels really nice. We walked back towards town and while Jerry went to our room to get on a call is visited several shops, got Jerry some lunch, priced bicycles and resisted buying toys at  L' atelier de Gepetto--Very Hard! Jerry ate lunch and then we went for a 5 1/2 K run through some neighborhoods we will be looking at houses in tomorrow. A fun way to get the lay of huge land. In the evening we went out walking again, in a light rain, and found a small Turkish pizza place, inexplicably named Chez Michelle. We enjoyed falafel wraps and frittes, YUM. We ended the evening with a trip to the supermarket for some nice beer and pindas and a quick stop for a fancy cappuccino for me. Perfect way to end the day!

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