Sunday, November 9, 2014

Saturday is ALL about walking!

Want me to let you in on a secret??!!
The best way to explore a new city is by foot. I never go for those Hop On-Hop Off tours, why hop on? Just Walk! You will see and know about the city much faster and you are much more likely to discover hidden gems. Little gardens, old churches,and neat restaurants. It was a beautiful sunny mid 50's day as Jerry and I set out and we walked about 9 miles! We went left and right, up the cobblestones and down the marble stairs, around the gardens of huge palace and across the gardens of the municipal building. Busy streets with diesel fumes and charming pedestrian only alleyways. We saw the European Commision where the EU is headquartered, as deserted as Wall St. Is on a Saturday. We visited the Armed Forces Museum, previewing it for Danny and Jake of course, and climbed to the top of the building for the Panorama. We saw a wedding couple being cheered and photographed as the sun came out. We grabbed a coffee and a crepe with strawberries near Saint Michaels and some beer and snacks at the Carrefour Express market. We strolled through the jam packed shopping streets around our hotel (recession? What recession?!) amazed at all the people, dogs, strollers, smokers, beggars and lovers we came upon. In the evening we were happy to settle in to our lovely studio and eat our take-away...middle eastern of course! It doesn't get any better than The Sultan of Kebap after a day of walking! Viva la feet!

Great view of the city!

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