Friday, November 14, 2014

Jet lag has it's way with me!

Oh my gracious! I do not believe in jet lag, in fact, I REFUSE to have jet lag or acknowledge it in any way. Well, someone must have told jet lag about my attitude, and he decided to exact revenge and show me who was boss. On Tuesday morning we got up at 2:30am Brussels time (8:30pm detroit time) and headed to the airport. We returned the car, grabbed an espresso and hopped on the plane to Amsterdam. From there we hit the sky lounge for another coffee then boarded our flight for home. The flight was great, half empty, but I could not fall asleep. We were back in brighton by 12:30pm, thanks Karen! And all was well for the afternoon and evening. We were so happy to see the kids, they had done a great job holding down the home front, and we were right back into the swing, polyhockey, homework,etc. I went to bed around 11:00pm, after being up 26 ish hours....
and then Jet Lag made his move, sneaking into the bedroom and starting to pound my head, and render my eyes unable to stay open, and my head unable to stay upright. For 24 hours I basically couldn't move! Luckily Jerry was home and handled things, but seriously, I was flattened. And you guys know me--I do NOT do sick, nevermind bedridden. So when Thursday morning dawned and I felt like I could open my eyes after only 1000 mg of Tylenol and keep a cup of coffee down, I was feeling extremely grateful and blessed. Recovered just in time to go pick up Cassie for the weekend! Never a dull :)
Cassie and Harry looking for deer in the backyard!

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