Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring Track?!

30 mile an hour winds? Check
Gray skies? Check
Temps of 43 pre wind chill? Check
3 hours plus of events? Check

We are now ready to begin the SPRING track season! I left the girls home because torrential rains were predicted, and though i stayed dry, I FROZE. I was glad that Jake was able to come, and not just because he gave me his mechanics gloves! As my challenging days with the girls continue, Jake was very comforting. He even helped me diffuse Charlotte on the phone. But now back to the meet. Though Danny did very well on the 3200,1600 and 200 hurdles in the first meet last Thursday, his coach had a suggestion. She suggested that he try skipping the 3200, which is the first race, in favour of just the 1600 for distance. He did that today, and almost took first place! He got run down in the last 30 yards but had a PR of 5:57 I think. It was a great race! He also ran the 400 and the 200hurdles. When I tried to take a little movie my frozen hands were shaking so hard I couldn't do it! I hope you enjoy the pictures!
kicking off the 1600
boys and girls ran it together

Last 70 of the 1600, the guy on his right did get the win, but Danny was second!

working the 200 hurdles

I never said Hurdles were easy!

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