Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sunny Sunday!

Boy we really enjoyed this beautiful Sunday. Started off with a new recipe from my favourite site,, for pancakes. These were called my-hop pancakes and are said to be the same as you would get at that famous pancake house. Everyone enjoyed them, especially molly, who was starving when she got home from her race.
She and PJ headed down to Ann Arbor at 6:45 for the trail to the Vicors run. There were about 4000 people at the run, and of course molly saw several friends she knows. We just got some cute finishline photos which I may even have to purchase! I went to yoga after flapping the jacks and marked my first week back at the studio. I have really enjoyed it and am feeling less stressed and more stretched! Cassie had a ball playing outside with DzaDza and Uncle Danny, tossing the frisbee, stealing Harry's stick and running around like a squirrel in the movie Nut Job!
Unfortunately Cassie had to head back to Dearborn around 4:30, but the rest of us finished our Sunday with a beautiful mass and dinner at Zuckey Lake Tavern. Charlotte won our family NCAA bracket and chose our dining spot. thanks Charlotte!
Molly post race!!
Cassie checking out my little brave crocuses

Forgot about our trip to title to see the boxing class!

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