Monday, April 7, 2014

Saturday--busy? Check! Fun? Check,check!!

Saturday in our house means at least two practices!  Jerry took Charlotte off to skating and I took molly and Cassie down to track practice. We had to stay indoors this week because of rain and freezing temps--ugh. I have been leading the warm ups this season and enjoying it, then helping out with the rest of practice.  Jerry delivered Charlotte at around 10:45. She changed in the car from skating gear to track shorts and jogged into the gym ready to work. I was very proud of her!
Cassie had a great time running around the track. She was a bit overwhelmed by all the athletes who wanted to love on her, but she'll get used to it! She certainly took a good nap in the afternoon!
We played outside a bit on Saturday afternoon though it was still chilly. And then after dinner we headed out to Howell to go to the musical Showboat! The cast included PJ's kids Jacob and Michaela. That is such a fun wholesome show! All about a family attending the Iowa state fair,innocent and sweet! We let Cassie peek into the orchestra pit and the musicians were charmed. The trumpet player brought his instrument over and let her press the buttons on it! She was tickled. What a fun and busy Saturday!

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