Monday, May 5, 2014

Water Baby!

or as Cassie would say, "I'm not a water baby, Cookie, I'm a water Big Girl!" Indeed! Story-time was cancelled because of the library book sale so Cassie and I headed north to Hartland for Splash n' Play at the pool. She was very excited to wear her new bathing suit. However, when the lifeguard told us we had to shower off before entering the pool area she was not happy. In fact, she cried and was ready to leave! I convinced her to give it a try and as soon as she hit the water she started to laugh. She paddled, she jumped and she stood on the ledge and copied the seniors doing exercises in the big pool(hilarious!).she even let me take her down the kiddie slide. Check out my cute pictures, I had to keep her close and take the pics on my phone and keep it dry! I think i did pretty good!

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