Saturday, April 19, 2014

Good old Lindbom school

Danny,Jake,Cassie and I rode bikes down to Lindbom on Friday. The school has been closed for about 4 years and we hear that the property has been sold for housing. We loved playing on the playground and remembering fun times all the older kids had there. 

Jake's class did their 5 th grade graduation square dance right on the blacktop! Sophie, Shawne and Leah stopped by to play too. Cassie was thrilled. Sophie mentioned that people were digging up the bricks from the walkway the PTO had made in the courtyard, and I thought I remembered Dad buying one for our family. We took a walk to the courtyard and sure enough there it was! Sophie and Leah poo-poo'd the idea of coming back with a tool, and dug right in and got it! We will put it in the garden at the house, and remember Dad and Lindbom!

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