Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter egg hunt

Cassie encourages me to bring out all the things the big kids loved when they were small. I was feeling sad about not being around family, but my dear friend Shawne saved the day. I invited Leah to come for an Easter egg hunt and Shawne brought Sophie and Alex and eggs and dye and lots of enthusiasm! We did an Easter craft and  coloured our eggs(Cassie LOVED dropping the eggs into the coloured water!) while Jerry hid the eggs all around the yard. Then the kids went out and started hunting. The sun was bright and warm and I actually laid down on the front sidewalk brick and soaked up the warmth and vitamin d. We ended our party with pink lemonade cupcakes and cookies, and of course candy from our eggs. Later in the evening Jerry, Molly and Danny attended the Easter Vigil, which featured 23 baptism and 41 confirmations and ended at 11:45...followed by the party in the church basement. Cassie, Charlotte and I decided to attend Easter Sunday morning instead.

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