Thursday, April 10, 2014

And the week rolls on....

On the fitness front, I am happy to have gone to yoga on Wednesday and walked the dog a bunch of times. Still haven't made it back to boxing but I plan to add that soon. On the carpool front,Danny's scout meeting activities of biking and frisbee had to be adjusted due to a torrential downpour on Monday night, but once that cleared the weather has been quite spring like. On the home maintainence front, The lawn has been cleared of dog shit, and fed and seeded, so now I hope the greening can begin. Charlotte went to HURT this week for the first time, in the rain, and made it through! I worked Tuesday evening, and Wednesday we had the after school shopping trip for new running shoes and track spikes. Danny couldn't get over how weird and different spikes feel...hopefully he can run in them! Spiritually,  I have been attending daily mass this week, and shopping for Easter basket goodies,and cleaning and purging. 
For the mind...BOOKS, of course, the Best part of which are the audio books from the library that I download onto my phone and iPad. My latest listen was called Say NiceThingsAbout Detroit! I am going to sync Jerry's phone so he can listen to it, he will love it!
"Can I pick them?!"

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