Thursday, January 15, 2015

We Can Help Out! Monday 12/1/15

In which we start our volunteer career!
The girls and I are excited to take our training for the Lion's Lair, the concession stand in the athletic area of Danny's school. The stand is open every day after school from 3:15-4:30 and on game days as well. They sell popcorn,homemade cookies, grilled cheese sandwiches( or fromage as it is called here) fruit, packaged snacks/candy and drinks. Including beer--this is Europe! Janna is the mom who is president of the Athletic Boosters Club and manager of the Lions Lair, a super short,super nice gal from Oklahoma. She is doing our training. Charlotte mans the popcorn machine and Molly helps with set up. I just try to learn the drill and assist the girls. Once the customers show up it gets fun and the girls enjoy passing out the treats to the kids and taking money. I help make change! After we clean up we get the news...We have got the job!! We will work on Monday afternoons, and sub for a big game if they need us. 
On Wednesday we head back to school for an interview with the elementary school principal Ms. Anderson. Love her Irish accent! She talks to Molly and Charlotte about what they might like to do, and give us a tour of those areas. For molly it is the Timber Tops, the preschool kids. She will probably begin assisting with their lunch, then hopefully move up.
For Charlotte we head to the cafeteria and learn how to be lunch moms. She is a bit overwhelmed by the scene but hopefully she will get used to it.
I have hopes that the girls will enjoy being connected to our new community in this way!

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