Friday, January 23, 2015


Looking back at my last blog post, that was before, and now it is AFTER. We found out on Friday morning that Hank and Eugene had been murdered. In their home, by their business partner and cousin, at 8 o'clock in the morning. Surreal,horrifying,gut-wrenching,unbelievable, all these words apply but can't do anything to describe our lives in the past week. Jerry coming home from work, meeting me for coffee to talk and try to strategize and process.  Walking around in a daze on Friday, telling the kids after Danny's first basketball game on Friday afternoon. This was without a doubt the hardest thing I've ever had to do. How can you give children this news about their Uncles? Danny's Godfather was Hank, Jake's was Eugene. both gone instantly. We all sobbed around the kitchen table, then joined hands and prayed, then talked. Molly asks "why,why?" But of course there is no answer for a senseless brutal crime. We could only say, and continue to say, that the boys are up in heaven and they would not want us to be too sad. We share happy funny stories and memories and encourage the kids to do this. I took Jerry to the airport at 6:30 Friday morning to fly to MI ( he had just gotten back from Phoenix last Saturday afternoon) and then came home to get the kids over to Danny's game.
Bizarre attending events on Saturday and Sunday and not telling people what had happened, but how can you do that when you really don't know anyone? "Oh by the way, guess what?" How can you even broach the conversation/topic? I did let the school counselor and middle school principal know so that they could help Danny if he needs it. On Tuesday I finally told Romy, who is a lovely woman, one of the admissions gals, and got a very needed hug. She shared the information with the family support group who immediately started a drop off a meal schedule for me-- very hard for me to accept as I am usually the one who is cooking for someone else. My bible study group also found out, and yesterday when we met I was able to talk a bit and then Judy the co-head of the group, prayed for our family, and I felt a weight lift off my chest. I felt the peace of the Holy Spirit-just hours before the funeral would take place in Posen.

Jerry and I decided that it was a blessing that we were in Belgium and to not take the kids back to MI. The media coverage and emotional weight of the wake and funeral would have been just too much. Jerry was able to concentrate on all he needs to handle and on his own grief, without worrying about us. In fact, he said it gave home peace picturing us here, going about our routines.
300+ people attended the wake. Several of the Amish families who helped with the potato harvest came, and, this is beautiful, asked if their children could sing some of the hymns that Hank had said he loved so much when he heard them singing them in the fields. Jerry said it was so moving. I don't know a lot of the details of the funeral, which was yesterday, but if Jerry wants to talk at some point, I will certainly be here to listen. He and jake are heading back to Brighton today and they will spend tomrw and Sunday with Cassie, which is just what their spirits need.
The kids and I kept busy this week with our running group on M-W-F, working at the concession stand M&F,attending varsity,JV and middle school girls and boys basketball games(yes we are Super Fans!) and doing our usual runs to the markt, the Proximus store for phone and TV issues, and the sports store. 
This weekend Danny is in Bonn,Germany with his bball team, they play games Friday evening and Saturday morning and bunk in with a players family. He is pretty excited about the trip.
All in all the kids are alright, as they say, but I am a praying mom these days, more than ever asking Jesus to bless and protect them and give them his peace, which surpasses all understanding.
Danny in his travel uniform, ready for school and trip to Germany
Girls eating a meal that a lovely family dropped off for us

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