Friday, January 9, 2015

Tuesday 6/1/15

Tuesday 6/1/15
Misread the 24 hour time and hustle molly and Danny off to bed. Tidy  up the kitchen and head up myself. Stop to kiss Danny goodnight again and glance at his analog clock...5 minutes til 9! Oops--I guess it was only 8:30 a while ago, not 9:30 like I thought! Oh well, rest never hurt anyone! I am in bed too, no HGTV is working wonders on my sleep quantity! Also no movie watching because it is FREEZING in the main room. I rarely enter. So my spots are my cozy little kitchen or my bedroom! 
The girls and I had a fun adventure today! We visited Les petit Reins, a salvation army like charity shop in Brussels. There is a main shop, a retro area, a baby area and a bike area. I don't have enough change for parking, and still no bank card, so we can only stay a short while. We visit only the main shop, but I can't wait to check out the others, especially the retro! Molly stayed on the first floor poking around the books, and Charlotte and I head to floor three for small electronics and household good. I am hoping for a blender, but no luck. We find some neat glasses, a laundry basket and a mosaic game. Downstairs molly has several books picked out, and we find several more for me. Then we browse for Danny and find an Asterix in French and two French kids magazines from the '60's which look really cool. I think he might have fun working on the French reading in a comics format. 

Oops, the time! I ask my brave Charlotte if she thinks she can take the car keys and head out of the shop, down the street and across to our car to stand guard against a traffic police officer. She does! So off she confidently goes-I am proud! The clerk in the book area speaks no English so we pantomime our way through the transaction. I mention that I am sorry I don't speak French, I plan to work on it, I have only been here a week. A couple approaches and says the heard me say I had only been in Belgium one week? Yes, I say. Well, how did you find this place? they want to know. Well you know why...I am ALL about the bargain, no matter the country! And I truly love the thought that my money is going to help those in need directly where I spend it. On we go, with only a few navigation errors, over tram tracks and through the tunnels of Brussels til we wash up on the shore of IKEA. Yes I know, but I had a return to make, and I need a frying pan which will work on an induction cooktop, wifi and meatballs, not necessarily in that order! We are home at 4 and there is no sign of Danny. I told him if he wanted to stay for an activity he should just do so and I would not worry. Miss molly, already dressed in running gear, sprints out of the garage as soon as I stop the car. Charlotte takes her time changing and heads out, and I force myself to go walking when I just want a bowl of cereal and some coffee. But if they can/will do it, so must I! Danny gets home around 5, it turns out he has gone to a play audition. Good for him. I guess it is not a traditional audition but rather an ensemble theatre experience which he said sounded really interesting. I will fill in details as I know them, he has another rehearsal tomorrow. We enjoy giving Danny his treasures from the thrift shop including four of the George RR Martin Game of Throne books and he is thrilled. I told him to realize how much he is thought about even while he is at school. Which brings us right back around to bedtime...Good Night!

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