Thursday, January 29, 2015

Kindness of new friends ( no longer strangers!)

After our work shift at The Lion's Lair concession stand on Monday, my co-volunteer Keri handed me a small gift bag and said " here's a little "happy" for you".  "For me?" "Yes, just because.."
Wow! Inside was a nice card about brightening rainy days ( surprise, it is raining!) with chocolates and new hand cream and new friends. I feel so touched, what an unexpectedly lovely occurance. Then my other co-volunteer, during conversation, found out that our heat doesn't work in our living room. At 6 pm my phone rings and it is Kathy, letting me know that her husband Bob is on his ways to my house with two large space heaters they are not using! Soon we were watching Space Jam without our coats and mittens on! Then my neighbor Lynn drops off a pot of chicken chili, a pan of iced brownies and a baguette after the boys middle school basketball game last night. 
I feel so embraced by this new community of women. They are ready with a smile for the girls, and a hug for me, especially after our family tragedy. Believing God has put us here and continue to be amazed by his outpouring of love...

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