Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Our first few days

We all sleep in on Sunday, we will gradually reign it in. We are not able to coordinate mass, but at least we went during the week for Christmas, we will make it happen next weekend for sure. I despair of ever being able to do anything other then micro wave in 30 second increments...stove top not working! Then I realize after close study of the French manual, that the cooktop is induction and therefore requires special, "not the cheapest ", cookware! At least I didn't email the landlord to complain, that would have been very embarrassing! Sunday is spent just vegging, playing UNO, drinking coffee and fiddling with our heating system...it is pretty chilly in here!

Monday-29/12/15 (please note my cool switch to European way to write the date! I am also working on my 24 hour time, harder to get my head around!)
After a late breakfast for us ( jer is at his cafe with wifi at the crack of dawn) We decide to make another IKEA run since Jerry has a lot of work to do and  the wifi is free and easy there. We install him on a couch, making note of the line to get food. Well, it is noonish, surely it will be much shorter later on. We are able to skip the showroom and go directly to the markt place to pick up more coffee cups, a mixing bowl and many other exciting things. The place is a mob scene! Everyone is off and hanging out in IKEA apparently. We go up to the cafe around 2:30, expecting to eat and chill a bit, and the line for the cafe is even longer, literally out into the shopping area. Ok, no meatballs today! We go down, grab our chairs and coat rack and pay and load and leave, arriving home and unloading into the basement around 4ish with 3 starving kids! I am in need of some alone time, so I volunteer to carry everything up and unpack, while Jerry takes the kids to the Turkish pizza place he and I scoped out on our visit in Nov. All parties are happy with this decision! The kids love the food and I love the quiet!
She did bring half of it home!!

We set out for a recommended running trail around noon, after Jerry returns from his wifi cafe. They must think he has no home! He is still using Danny's computer since his has died. He will get a replacement in Phoenix next week. Anyway, back to our fitness plans. We follow the directions and end up literally bumping down a cow path with 2 foot deep icy,muddy ruts, glad it is the rental car! Jerry and I are thinking no way can we run out here with Molly. We finally come to a parking lot, and low and behold, at the end of the lot, we see a sport club. We decide to go check it out and are invited for a tour and work out! HOORAY! It is a lovely club, pricey but all inclusive. Only issue is the distance on foot from our house, the girls and I will be hoofing it as Jerry will have the car every day. So we will see if we join, but in the meantime we have a great workout! And we all needed it!

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