Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas festivities

In spite of being inundated with Christmas music and decorations since before Halloween I still love those two weeks before December 25! Holiday concerts, school pageants, cards in the mail every day and excuses to eat those special foods! I love baking things to give to people, imagining how happy they will be to receive them. This year I did not bake as much because of the move, but I did have time  for pumpkin bread, Italian ricotta cookies, no bake's and pumpkin chip spice cookies. Jake took several trays into work for his bosses and the kids took plates to school for favourite teachers.  We also dipped pretzels and made chocolate dipped peanut butter cookies.
Scranton held their Christmas concert at the Brighton Center for the Preforming Arts and it was dynamite. It featured the 7th and 8th grade bands and the jazz band.  Mrs. Evans acknowledged the band officers and solo/ensemble medals winners, so Danny stood up twice. She also announced Danny's move and talked about what a good tuba player he is and how much he will be missed. Then she talked about what a nice family we are and how much we volunteer...I was blushing even though no one could see me in the dark!  It was very special. We will certainly miss the brighton Band program, it is really terrific.
Danny had his last scout meeting, a white elephant gift exchange- Christmas party- Stooges film fest.

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