Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Beautiful tree (nicest one ever! That's what my Mom always said!) 
Beautiful kids...Beautiful friends (thanks for the annual visit Stewarts, even though we couldn't play UNO due to little Oliver!) 
Lovely food ( thanks for the fantastic Polish dinner Wisbiskis! Complete with Wisbiski Sausage and cruschiki!)  
Sacred and beautiful midnight mass ( though I stayed home with Charlotte and Cassie, I was so proud of my two handsome sons, one heading to usher and the other serving at the altar, and my handsome husband in his blue suit ushering as week, and my beautiful Molly, going to do her unofficial job of making everyone feel welcome!)
Beautiful morning-- with all eyes on Cassie as she saw what Santa had brought...the requested Garbage Truck and much more!
Beautiful sight-- as the full suitcases finally piled up in the kitchen, the tree came down and headed to the curb ( I mean who ever heard of an pre-lit artificial tree whose lights don't work and who sheds more than a real tree?! Time to go tree!), the pantry looked empty, the old "dead body" freezer was given away via Freecycle, last minute laundry folded and the floors vacuumed(and my friend MaryJane didn't have to do it like she did when she came to drive us to the airport when we were moving to Holland-long story!)
Beautiful house, sad to leave, happy to be ready to go to our next adventure! 

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