Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday sports report!

Today we had Scranton cross country and Special Olympics soccer state tournament AND a driving cold rain. Not what you would wish for,that's for sure. We made marathon moly stay home to chillax while Jerry and I divided and conquered. Jerry headed east to warren to cheer on Charlotte and the other fine athletes on our 5 teams. Coach Michelle did a great job, Charlotte played forward for both games and had lots of good assists and set up plays. The team took home the bronze medal--not to shabby and boy is Charlotte proud. Normally we are big sticklers for staying with the team, but with 500 people crowded into a small pavilion to eat lunch, shop and do a health and fitness test, jer opted for a cozy warm diner and a cheeseburger for Charlotte.  Cassie and I headed south to Hudson mills metro park to cheer on Scranton in a mega meet with 35 schools represented. Danny ran with the varsity squad and gave it his all like he always does. He finished about 106 in the field and seemed happy with that. This was his last meet, he is skipping the Wednesday dual meet to go to his quiz bowl competition, he made the away team! We stayed to cheer on Sophie in the girls JV but then as the rain beat down harder we gave up and headed for home. We couldn't leave molly inside all day, so we scooped her up and went to costco for lunch,picked up some necessities (?) and then got Cassie and Danny new sneakers at kohls( yay 30%) !
Everyone is in bed now, ready for our 4:30 departure for Detroit City....I am happy the big day is finally here but I will admit here that I am nervous. I wish so hard for her to be successful in this. Keep her in your prayers!

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