Saturday, October 19, 2013

13 minutes left...

Thirteen minutes until my birthday is over. What a great day! It actually began last night when we suddenly realized that we were all home at the same time for 5 minutes and decided to break out my cards and gifts. I was serenaded with a beautiful birthday song and got great homemade cards from Molly and Charlotte. Danny and jake got me some dunkin donuts coffee to brew at home! Charlotte yoga pants to wear to boxing and molly a nice book. My mom sent a beautiful coffee table book called The Life of Jesus which looks amazing, and susan sent me a cute outfit. I feel quite loved. This morning, after a cup of delicious coffe I took Danny to Sophie's house so they could ride to school( this years routine, as the 7th and 8th building is too far to walk) then went to morning mass. I have been attending an average of 3 mornings a week and have become quite addicted to the peace and joy I get from starting the day by focusing on Jesus. My usual prayer is "guard my mouth and guide my steps" as I ask him to place me where he needs me, and help me to say the right things when I get there! After mass Shawne joined me for a walk with Harry and we caught up on each other's lives. Blessed am I to have a friend like her! Then the troops were loaded and we headed out. First stop, Dearborn to pick up Cassie, now that's a birthday gift! Then we went to Cobo hall to the marathon expo. It officially opened at 2, but since we got there at 12:30, well, no harm in trying the door, hey we're in! No one said anything to us, and we were able to stroll through the expo and shop and get our freebies with no crowds. I mean none, we were the only people in there who weren't vendors! At 1:55 we were at the rear, ready to pick up Molly's packet at 2. They waved molly in at 1:59 and she was the first person to pick up her number. 7199! I told her she already came in first! We hooked up with PJ, Molly's friend and training partner and finalized plans for Sunday. We will be pulling out of Brighton at 4:30 am! Charlotte and PJ headed north to warren to meet up with the rest of the SO soccer teams and prepare to go to the dance and play in the state finals. We headed westward to get Danny from band tag days and get everyone fed and headed out the door to Friday night basketball. I was able to blissfully vacuum up dog hair and watch house hunters and property brothers! a great ending to my birthday!

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