Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Quiz bowl 2013

In the spirit of his brother and Aunt Susan, Danny has joined the Scranton Middle School Quiz Bowl Team. He has attended several practices and an inter squad scrimmage and based on his number of correct answers he was chosen for the away team! He is very excited to represent his school and is skipping the last dual cross country meet to travel to the first competition today. The two teams played three games each, and Danny's team won 2 out of 3. Danny did okay, answered some questions, some right and some wrong. He seemed to enjoy it a lot. The kids each have a buzzer to buzz in when they want to answer a question. If they get it wrong the other team can try to answer it, with no penalty for a wrong answer. The first round has 20 questions, the second round is a two minute lightening round involving the whole team gathering around a list that they work on together for the whole time. For example Danny's team had a list of 10 initials, ex. Aids,FBI,EEC,and they had to identify as many as possible. Round three is buzz in, but if you get it right you get a bonus question and you can consult with the team.  So D's team took the first match by quite a bit, lost game two by a tiebreaker, then won the final match by 10 points. 
We booked out of hartland middle school! swung through Tim Hortens for a chicken wrap, then dumped off at CCD with 3 minutes to spare. I then zoomed into Panera for a splurge, a sugar free vanilla cappuccino, on my way to the parents meeting for Science Olympiad. Left the meeting a bit early to go get Danny, on my way out of the library my keys dropped out of my pocket. I got out to the car in the freezing dark only to find no keys....and when I tried to get back into the school the doors were locked! Oh no! Finally the door to the gym opened and I sprinted for it, got in,got the keys, and drove like a bat out of hell to church, and was the last parent to pick up--Danny and Sister Theresa waiting at the door together.Good gracious, not the way to end my day! 

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