Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy birthday to me!

I started this blog on October 18 of 2010 and faithfully wrote an entry every day! I was so proud! Then  in 2011 I blogged more sporadically but still did a pretty good job of recording our families year and the significant happenings in my life. And then came 2012.....I am sad to look back and see what a terrible job I did...and with no real reason. Sure life gets busy, sure wifi isn't always available, but seriously, no hands were broken,no computers crashed, nothing, so was it laziness? Was I bored with my own life? So now comes the hypothesis I will be testing for my 52nd year--ready?

Is life more exciting because you are writing about it?

Simple, I know, but I plan to test it by recommitting to my blog, and posting daily, and seeing how this year turns out. Maybe on my birthday next year we can see.....

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