Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween starts now!

Molly and Charlotte were invited to their friend Heather's Halloween party! What fun! They are not invited to many parties so it was quite an exciting invite. And because of huge time of year, the dress code was costumes. Molly decided to be Dorothy again this year, with her long brown braids she is a natural. Charlotte was inspired by the awesome $1.50 Professor McGonagall hat I found at Sally's and wanted to complete the costume and dress as her. I found the emerald cape at the Halloween store, but the skirt and top I procured at Sally's today. Charlottes eyes lit up when she got home from school and saw her costume.she really feels like she is the Prof. And she carries herself like Dame Maggie herself. The party looked great and everyone's costumes were super!
Jerry had a light load for FNB, just Leah and Danny. Even so, he took them to Leo's so they had a ball.
Jake and his friend mike are happily in the basement playing video games after finishing up the leftover stuffed cabbage and bowls of chilli. The weekend begins!

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