Sunday, October 27, 2013

Don't you love Sundays?

Our Sundays are so great I almost hate to go away for the weekend. (invite me anyway, if it's somewhere like Hawaii or HongKong I'm there!) Sitting on the sun porch drinking coffee while an 8 point buck wanders around in the lower back yard and our hawk slowly circles looking for field mice. The girls and Jerry arriving back from our awesome Title Boxing Club sweaty and happy. Attending mass at Saint Patrick, sitting in our seats, listening to the kids sing (Danny sounds just like my Dad!),praying, feeling blessed, visiting with so many people after mass and watching the girls enjoy these encounters,feeling filled and inspired by Father Karl. Then heading to Leo's diner for a late lunch-having all the waitresses greet us as long lost friends, having the kids know what they want right away,(especially Charlotte-it's always the Polish omelette =no green peppers!), blowing straw papers at each other, having our toast,with our toast! walking the dog, raking leaves, talking to my Mom and my sister. Serving the weeks leftovers for dinner and chatting about the week ahead, making lunches and tidying the kitchen. Having a Wii bowling tourney suggested by Charlotte and laughing with the kids in the basement. This is a great Sunday in my book!
I hope you have a great week ahead :)

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