Friday, October 25, 2013

I manage to stay in for the night! Yippee!

On the schedule was the BHS choir concert, and you know what a huge fan I am. We love the choirs and it is a lovely evening of song. BUT....Monday=Poly hockey/Boy Scoutsbook club! Tuesday = band concert! Wednesday=quiz bowl/CCD/parent meeting for science Olympiad! Thursday=after school crosscountry final practice and party and awards. Danny had a great time, finishing the season with a PR in the final meet of 13:11 on the varsity team. Truth be told he is happy that it has wound up, I think he is ready for a change. Jake was waiting outside Scranton and spirited Danny away for a quick 9 holes of disc golf before the sun went down and I headed home. When I walked in the door molly asked if she could put on her pj's. What about choir I asked? But the girls wanted to stay home and relax and that was just fine with me...I think I almost trampled them in my rush to get upstairs and get MY pj's on! We all enjoyed the chilli I had in the crockpot and the comfort of having no where to go!

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