Friday, April 17, 2015

Our first visitor! First of many I hope!


For the second international posting in a row Ed Bedner wins the First To Visit prize! He was handsomely rewarded with Belgian Chocolates to take back to the US. Thanks for coming Ed! We enjoyed meeting you in Antwerp and showing you around the central station and the cathedral there.
 Glad you were up for a road trip in the afternoon and we could bring you to the house.
Danny was happy to get to see you too! How fun it was to show off our little town of Waterloo and stroll down the Chaussee with you. Did you enjoy the chocolatiers? And the durums from our favourite Turkish place? How about the brief tour of the battlefield where Napolean met his waterloo?! Good times,no?! Thanks awfully for hand delivering the essentials of prescriptions and taco seasoning, and the treats of letters from Laura, cards and book mark from Leah and my pretty handmade basket.
Best of all was the warm hug and big Ed smile all the way from Brighton. Thanks so much for taking the afternoon to visit us--you are the winner!
Ed took our family photo in font of our house!

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