Thursday, April 23, 2015

3/04-5/04 Hiking in Luxembourg

Danny and jerry set off early Friday morning to make the drive to Luxembourg. I booked them into a hostel (not for youths only!) which is adjacent to the Mullerthal Trail. I am a bit nervous about the quality but it turns out to be perfect..spartan,clean and free parking, a winning combo in Europe!
Here is a bit about the trail from its web site..

On a length of 112 km, the Mullerthal Trail passes through all the natural particularities of the Mullerthal Region – Luxembourg's Little Switzerland. Natural paths lead through forests and pastures and can be combined with impressive canyons and bizarre rock formations.

In the beginning of 2014, the Mullerthal Trail received the label "Leading Quality Trails - Best of Europe".

Below is the trail the boys tackled👣


Mullerthal Trail ExtraTour A 

ExtraTour A (link: is linked on the western part to the Mullerthal Trail and connects the localities of Larochette, Nommern and Medernach. The walk between Medernach and Larochette is actually part of the Mullerthal Trail. Due to its situation between the rocks, Larochette is a well known place for excursions.

From Larochette you walk through the woods towards Meysembourg Castle. From here, you walk on beautiful meadows towards Nommerlayen. The impressive rock formations of Nommerlayen are well known by hikers and here you definitely need good walking shoes. From Nommern, you continue towards the forest of Seitert to Medernach to reach again the Mullerthal Trail. There are places to have a rest in Nommern as well as in Medernach.

Highlights: A fantastic 3 days of hiking and fun, including quite a bit of rain, jerry falling on his dupa 3 times(sadly no photos of that!) and great scenery and challenging terrain. Danny hiked all 3 days with his giant backpack filled with hardcover books,etc. as part of his training for Philmont Scount Ranch in June. Finally reaching civilization on Friday and finding a place with bottomless pasta!

An excellent start to the break to be sure, Jerry was tickled with how happy Danny was, and how grateful for the trip!

Some well earned trail chow!

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