Friday, April 17, 2015

Confirmation for Danny

21 March
Danny headed off this morning for a day long retreat at Our Lady of Mercy parish in Uccle. We weren't sure if he would be able to continue his sacramental preparation when we moved, and he was halfway through at St. Pats, so we were happy for him to join the class. It is a small group, about 12 in all. We were assigned coldcuts and bread for the lunch and I was thrown into a panic...what will the kids eat? What kind of bread(25 choices, all delicious!) what kind of cheese(30 choices, all bio and delicious) what kind of meat? What if I bought the wrong stuff and Danny was embarrassed? So I just bought everything, enough for probably 30 kids--baguette,rolls,loaf of brown,loaf of white, wraps,crackers, many meats and cheeses, peanut butter, jam, Nutella and hoped for the best! When I asked how everything went at lunchtime Danny said "fine", that's it,no further details! Funny how moms worry needlessly!
Danny said the retreat was very moving and he was happy to be a part of it. I did find out, because it dawned on me that I didn't know, when the confirmation is...1 DAY AFTER we leave to head back to the US! Oh what? I guess he will be all prepped, and just make the actual ceremony next year? Oops, sorry Danny.
I am happy that he is involved though, he is a deep thinker when it comes to the spiritual side, and this is good for him. Though he is not an altar server here, he has stepped into the roll of lector, Father Lobo loves to have him read, and he does an excellent job. At this church the reader does both readings and the middle bit in between them, so it is a big job. 

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