Thursday, January 24, 2013

This week has flown by! With a day off on Monday and a day off for Danny tomorrow, we have basically arrived at this weekend when we just left last weekend.  Though I am not complaining! I love the weekends. Only downside is No Cassie. We were hoping to snag her again for a few days, but so far no luck. Danny was busy this week with the end of the marking period blast of homework, but he made it through. He also managed to squeeze in taekwando and couple of times,random bits of dog training, a little backyard football on the Wii and dinner at his friend Jack's house. The girls both worked at their job trials, Charlotte cleaning tables at the food court out at the outlet mall, and Molly helping at the senior care facility. They both ran every day too. Charlotte took herself off to the movies this afternoon, Le Miz, and loved it. Molly went to the U of M game tonight with Jerry and had a ball. Michigan won and Molly was so happy. She ran down to the floor and even got a high five from her favourite player Trey Burke. I am posting the video Jerry took, look to the upper center, Mol is in her purple coat, and after he finishes his TV interview he heads to the tunnel and hits Molly on the way to the locker room. Jerry said she was screaming so loud!! As for me, I just did the Mom thing--didn't paint or renovate, just walked to school, walked the dog, made the dinners, the stuff that blog posts are not made of!

Final score 67-53!

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