Friday, January 18, 2013

Puppy and Baby and traveling husband, OH MY!

Cassie sleeps through the night, but Harry does not :(
This week he seems to have some tummy trouble that is causing him to wake up at night desperate to go outside. Once there,we hang around a lot on the front lawn, waiting for "a movement!" In the frigid clear night air, the constellations look close enough to touch, and I have tried to appreciate them and GODS magnificence and not focus on how cold I am...and tired!
2 or 3 times between 11:30 and 6 I am down the stairs,open the crate,grab the leash,zoom him outside,shiver,drag him reluctantly past the tantalizing mulch wood chips and in the door, run into the kitchen, escort him to his "room", close the door,shuffle up the stairs, crawl quietly into bed so I don't wake up my roommate Cassie, and burrow into the pillow,and try to hurry back to sleep!
Cassie's tummy is just fine thank you and the mere mention of eating sends her bolting to her high chair. Harry immediately crouches down under her chair, waiting for the manna to rain down from heaven. Cassie points to her little built in cup holder, that means "put some cheerios in here NOW!"
She then eagerly picks up her spoon and fork and gets ready..favourite fruits are pears,mandarin oranges,bananas and grapes, veggies-carrots,green beans,corn, eggs,waffles,sausages,pasta,you name it, she will happily eat it! And sign for more! She ate three bowls of Italian  macaroni and cheese the other night. We tell Harry not to bug her, but when we turn around she is leaning out of the chair and holding out a tasty morsel to him!
They are the same way with her toys. Harry is teething and likes nothing better than a hard plastic animal from the Little People Zoo to gnaw on. I constantly chase him down, take away Zookeeper Zac or the rhinoceros and substitute is teething bone or stuffed moose. But then when I turn around, Cass is crouching down in front of him trying to stuff the elephant in past his teeth! Oh good gracious!
Throw in the middle aged man-dog Buddy and his prostate issues, which add long minutes to his toilette each day and the fact that he can't hear you call him, and often runs to the wrong house and then wonders why he can't get in...(as I run down our lawn,hopping the minefields of shit, yelling, No Buddy, we live over here, TURN AROUND!)
And the final piece, the traveling husband, who at least knows not to call in the evening and let me know what tasty restaurant meal he just consumed or how his workout went. "Did you shower today?" I query pathetically, " I'll bet that felt good...."

But you know what? God made pups and babes so stinkin cute that you actually forget how tired you are. When they are curled up on you, or near you, what a warm moment of peace! (although Harry is not allowed to sit on my lap, Cassie will run over and push him off is he dares try!)

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